Abe Academy
Join the Abe Academy and learn from other experienced Abe freelancers and community organizations. With the courses, you will learn directly from real-world experience from experienced communications specialists working for community organizations. She take you into their world and share their knowledge, experience, tips and advice. Andwith the Abe inspiration sessions, we offer a selection of carefully chosen workshops from our network. Thus, we create a platform where freelance communications specialists and community organizations come together for valuable insights, growth and development. Whether you’re a freelancer looking to deepen your expertise or a professional in a communications department of a community organization looking to innovate, with the Abe Academy, we offer you the chance to learn and grow in concrete ways.
Press briefing course
- March 15 & 22
- Amsterdam
- €850
The course is suitable for communications specialists who want to (further) develop their skills in press information and spokesmanship.
- Understanding the thinking and actions of the journalist and the media landscape
- Strategic communication
- Politics and lobbying
- Crisis Communication
- Interview techniques
- Public Information
We are enormously proud of the guest lecturers who make the press briefing course possible. Press officers who themselves have their feet ‘in the clay’, know better than anyone else what a good press release should contain, have renowned journalists under their hotkey and are also eager to share the finer points of the trade with others. Some names that came along during previous editions: Bram Karst (press officer Greenpeace), Evita Bloemheuvel (now press officer at VluchtelingenWerk and before that Foundation 113 Suicide Prevention), Rins van Kouwen (spokesperson Haaglanden Medical Center), Sharon Cohen (former press officer Depot Boijmans van Beuningen), Tessa van Bussel (press officer the Waddenvereniging), Anja Hulshof (press officer Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) and Matthijs Kettelerij (freelance press officer).
Video making course
- March 29, April 5 & 12
- Amsterdam
- €1275
The course is suitable for communication specialists who want to (further) develop their skills in creating videos. Whether you want to get started producing videos yourself, or just learn how to create engaging videos with others.
- Research, pre-production and insertion
- Storyboard, script and script
- Storytelling
- Interviewing for image
- Technology
- Mount
- Writing a good briefing
We are enormously proud of the guest lecturers who make the video making course possible. Video makers who have their own feet in the clay, know better than anyone else what makes a good video and are eager to share the tricks of the trade with others. Guest lecturers for this edition are Emiel Elgersma, Jonas van Impe and Marjolein Sprenger.
Inspirational sessions
Working smart with AI
- April 19, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
- Online
- €35
From artificial images to chat tools, AI is “here to stay. But how do we make sure we can make AI work for ón us? In this session, 3D web designer and Abe freelancer Amke Euwes explores how to use AI to work smarter and more efficiently, leaving more time for the things you really enjoy doing.
3D web designer and Abe freelancer Amke Euwes.
- Increase your productivity: with these tips and tricks, you can outsource work to AI, such as tasks that take a lot of time or that you don’t enjoy doing.
- Organize your work more efficiently: For example, learn how AI can help you automate repetitive tasks.
- With this workshop, you won’t have to put hours into researching effective AI tools yourself; Amke has already done that for you.
This inspiration session is given by 3D web designer and Abe freelancer Amke Euwes.
Healthier living
- May 31, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
- Online
- €35
Rushing from deadline to deadline, hardly any time for lunch and in the s evening exhausted on the couch. You know it should be different, but yes.
Recognizable? Lifestyle coach and author Lisette de Jong appears in this inspiration session with practical tips and surprising insights that you can use yourself can take steps toward a healthy life. On to a fit version of yourself!
Lisette de Jong is a food scientist (Wageningen University, 1996), author and BLCN-certified lifestyle coach. She writes about nutrition, health, sustainable technology, and other things that the make life more beautiful. Lisette is coauthor of Our Beautiful Food Book – All about your food before it hits your plate (2016) and Healthy to 115 (2019).
- More knowledge about healthy eating, exercise, sleep and stress management.
- Understanding where there are the most health gains for you.
- Understanding how to change your behavior (permanently).
- At least one action you can get started with at home.
This inspiration session is given by food scientist and author Lisette de Jong.
Social media
- June 20, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
- Online
- €35
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook or Linkedin? So many channels, so many tastes. What are the best channels for your target audience? How can you best deploy, build and evaluate the channels? What are big trends, tips and tricks?
In this master class, Anneroos Ribbers uses real-world experiences and draws on 10 years of experience and her own cases. There is definitely room for your questions in between.
Creative Anneroos Ribbers has been helping mission-driven brands with their brand identity and with creative campaigns for years. For example, you may have seen past ads from the Coffee Boys, which they co-conceived made and designed. She previously taught social-media at Academy Vogue, and the Upstarter and Leaped.
- Creating really good posts that add value and are on brand.
- How to create a strong, recognizable identity on social media.
- How to capitalize on relevant trends.
This inspiration session is given by creative Anneroos Ribbers.